Some of us

lundi 22 août 2011

My life as a military fiance almost wife

So i just want to talk about my life as a military fiance today. My baby didn't feel good today as he call that : deployment blues. I understand him perfectly but it is hard for me when i know that he is sad and unhappy. He is my world and sometimes when you are alone in this situation don't have any military wives or girlfriend or fiance to talk to and to give you some advices to help to understand his feelings, give you some advices of how you can support him it's pretty hard for me. In the same way i feel like i can handle it by myself be strong and help him to feel better. I know that sometimes it's my turn to be sad, to cry, to be unhappy, to be all stressed out and put that on him but since we are together i knew and i understood his life as a soldier so i take my responsability in this situation. As you all know my king is actually deployed in Afghanistan and i do everything i can for him to be happy and support him in the best way. So yes we have a blog, a daily motion channel but soon a youtube one ( a way better), got yahoo messenger on my blackberry and an iphone4 where i put the skype application and the yahoo application. I send him mails to but he do take long from europe like 3 to 4 weeks. My life actually just put between two inverted commas and just dedicated my all life to him. I am just interested to him and wait for him to be home. I go to work, can not wait to be at my lunch time to talk to him, to get off and run home to get online and see him, make sure that he is ok. Living deployment for the first time it's like killing me but i learn so much. Learn about me, people, life.....
I can not wait for us to be married soon, to be his wife, and start our family life together. I can not wait to be at the airport and jump into his arms and smell him. I just need to smell him, to feel his skin. I can not wait to look at him in his eyes and just tell him how much i love him. He is my all world, my life and even if it is hard to be alone here and to be far from him I love him with all I've got.

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