I read a lot of stuff about being an housewife when you are with a soldier. Some say that it is good some say that it is not. Well let me talk about it. When me and my baby start our relationship my king was saying that he want his wife to have a job even a little job to have some pocket money. I was thinking the same and wasn't afraid to found a job everywhere the army send us. But now i feel like I just want to be home and take care of our home, him and us. I think that being a housewife it's a job to. You have to take care of the house, everything in order, laundry done, cook, take care of your husband, support him when he do have a bad day at work, make sure that the house is clean. It is not something that you have to do if you are not like that. Be an housewife have to be natural for you.I personnaly think that my life just with my king and i have to take care of him and support him in his career because i just want him to be the best. We both don't like to be the last. We both want to be on top. Ok i agree i will put my career behind. I maybe an housewife or maybe one day a mom. I always work since i am 16 even if i don't need to. My dad and mom always teach me to work hard when you want something. I can work everywhere in a world cause of my diploma but i can say that see my king happy, smile, tell me that the dinner was delicious, be proud of me when we have some friend over and see his friends loving the dinner and appreciate the time it's a way better that any pay check. Ok money it's important i really agree with that but it really depends on how your spend your money. Don't spend the money that you don't have. Organize your life with what you got.
We do love shopping, be beautyfull, nice clothes and shoes, accessories, electronics, beautyfull furnitures, travelling but we will never spend our money before the bills are paid. It's just about the way you live. Be an housewife don't mean that you are lazy. Be an housewife don't mean that you stay in a couch all day. Be an housewife it is a job. A real one. From home you can found a job to do. Invitation for weddings, do some decoration for people who get married, if you are into make up well offer your services for the bride and her friends or also for some kids who got their birthday party, offer your services if you speak any languages, If you are into nails well offer your services. You will always found something to do for some pocket money and also to socialize. Just few days a week. It will always be good. Take the time to read. Read it's a brain language. Be an housewife give you the opportunity to learn, to be the best, to put yourself into something, to take challenges, to try new things. Be an housewife it's not being in your house all day and when you are finish with all you have to do sit in a couch and wait until he get home. Be pretty for him, talk to him about your day because you have one to.
I probably gonna be an housewife, but i will do some stuff that i always want to do and never had the time to do it. I always want to put myself into decoration, writing, blog, work out, photograph and do a pictures exhibition ( do not know the good traduction in english sorry followers) so why not ?
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