Some of us

mercredi 31 août 2011

One more day done !!!!

Yesterday was an hard day for me. This deployment stuff get on my nerves. I try to change my mind and do some stuff that i have to do but i was still feeling so sad. I know that it is not good to be so sad because my king will feel bad. He told me yesterday that he was feeling how i was sad. He told me that he was feeling it in his heart. I am so sorry to make him feel that way. I just can take this deployment stuff anymore. I just want to be at the homecoming and hold him. It is hard when you can't share your feelings with somebody who is in the same situation. I would love to share this with an army wife, girlfriend, fiancee. Maybe i would feel better if i met a girl who is in the same situation as mine. He is the best. When he need me to be strong he just support me and help me to feel better. I feel sad because it is not about missing him, it is hard because i worry about him. I want to make sure that he have everything and he is ok. It is so hard for me. I pray god to feel better, to be a better support for him, to be the strong woman that he know. but i also want him to know that i give my all life to him. I need him to be here for me to. Ok where he at i should just support him. But i am new into this army life and don't really know what to think or expect.
I need him to understand that i also need some words. He doing good for the last few days because i told him that i need to read something from him to, something to make me smile, to make me keep my tears, to make me feel strong. He can't be just me. I do my best for him to be happy and proud of me. I know that we will make it, i know that the last few days i was feeling sad but i know that today i feel a way better. As my king call that " deployment blues " i had a bad and serious one. Now i just have to be strong and never feel that way anymore. Stop crying because my baby overthere in this crazy stuff not me. So yes i have to stop being so sellfish and make him be responsable of my sadness. He is not responsable. I accept this life. At the beginning the first thing that he talk to me was the army lifestyle and i say yes. So now i have to take my responsabilty and be strong. My dad would be mad at me if he was here to see me like that and say : Champion !!!! What the hell is wrong with you? Stand up for my son. He need you to be strong. I didnt rase you like that. You are strong champion you will make it." Yes daddy i agree. I am a strong woman, im a beautyfull woman, i have a beautyfull fiancee who is fighting for his country, i am proud of him. We will make it to the top, he will be home soon. Patience is a virtue.
I am back to the field. I am a champion. I will be strong for my king. I want him to be proud of me.
King : I love you with all my heart, you are my life, my air, my blood, my world. I refuse to live without you. Help me to be a better support for you, support me also cause it is not easy for me to. I will never ever leave you.
Love you

lundi 29 août 2011

My life without you !!!!

My life without you is just empty. I feel that my entire body just gone somewhere. I feel like im nobody without you. even if i take my responsability to be with you and " your job " live this deployment is really hard. I don't have any army wives to talk to. My friends are here for me but they don't really know how the us army works even me im not a good teacher into it. Im watching to some homecoming videos and i cry just because i can not wait until my day come and plus because i know my day will come soon. I wake up every morning alone. Taking my coffee in the kitchen and just think about you. I hate this deployment stuff, i hate to be without you. It's may be not our only deployment and i have to learn to deal with it. But i know i will never know how to really deal with it. This time of our story killing me. I try to be strong but yes when we off the cam i just cry because i miss you so much baby. You are my everything and sorry to be like that when you do need me to be strong. At least i have some power to take care of us, our home, our paper, but you are not with me. I promess you that i will be strong but i just need time to put all my tears out.
I will never ever leave you. You are my entire world, my life. I can not live without you. I don't care about what people say. I just care about you and me. My life without you just empty. My life without you don't mean nothing. Please baby come back to me, be strong for us, i really need you to help me to be strong even if i supposed to be strong for you and me. Be safe.
I love you

samedi 27 août 2011

New life start !!!

So I just move to my friends house yesterday and it's just so cool to be around people who loves you , understand you and care about you. I have my godson Eagle who is just so cut, my bf Cledie and her hubby Than. We having so much fun together. Like cooking, doing makeup, doing some scrub and mask. We talk about make up and fashion all day LOL Poor Than hahahaha !!!! They love my Boe ( our new family words ) and always participate on the video, they support me so much during my baby first deployment, and they also love to look at him o the web cam. They are so proud of him. Of his career and his job and on the choice that he make to fight for his country.
They make me stronger, they make me happier. Now i can be me totally me and they appreciate me and my boe. They are the only one of our friends who support us in our relationship. They love us and can't wait to be at our wedding.
I miss my baby so bad but my friends make me be stronger and stronger. They make me be happy when i see my boe on the cam. they are real friend the kind of friend that you only got one time in your life and stay for ever.
So baby now as you can see im happy and the only thing that i need it's you. I al in a good place, safe, nobody to bother me. I can not wait for you to be home my boe and i love you more and more everyday.
I love you boe.

mercredi 24 août 2011

Wish list!!!

A little baby

A beautyfull jacuzzi area

A beautyfull and simple honeymoon

A nice walking closet

My wedding shoes

Do you know how much i love you?

Since we are together you make my days. My entire life just change. Now i have somebody to talk to, to be proud of, to be happy with, to love, to share my feelings. It's unbelievable how you change my entire life. You are so important in my life. You are the best man ever and i am so proud of you. For the career that you choose, for the man that you are, for all the great things that you do. Be without you it's like having no air to breath, no food to eat, no water to drink. I never love someone like that before, never. I never thought that i will love someone so hard in my life. You came into my life one day and never be out of it since. You always listen to me when i am sad. You always make me smile. You always have the good words when i feel mad. I always wanted to be the woman of one man who will love me more than anybody else in his life. With you my life is so easy, so cool. I know that you will always protect me and be here for me no matter what. But do you know that i will to? I decide to give you my life, my entire life. You know that it is hard for me to be so alone here, it is hard when you realize that your family not here for you. It is so sad when you see your own family be against your relationship. But you always found the good words to make me feel better. You always found the good way to make me laught. I never thought that i will be so in love with someone not even in this part of my life. My life is shinning now and i know our angel protecting us. He is with us. Closed to us. So many times i wish that i can take the phone call him and talk to him about you, us, our story. So many times i wish that he can come home and say hi on the cam. But now you are the only one person that i have. Thank you to be here for me, thank you to be my love, my bestfriend, my family, my futur husband, my king. Thank you to be in my life.
I love you always and for ever.

mardi 23 août 2011

Be pretty for your man girls!!!!!!!

Girls, girls, girls!!!! Being an housewife doesn't mean that you have to stay in your pyjamas all day girls. Come on !!! Being an housewife doesn't mean that you don't have time to take a shower or sit in a couch all day long. Your man need you to be pretty for him, to be on top of your beauty because for a lot of men if you stay home you should have the time to be pretty and I agree. If you know how to take care of a house, well you know that on your schedule you don't have to clean the all house everyday. Everyday you have to do a same thing and it is the floor, your bed, your laundry and wash your dishes. For the rest you can do a little bit every day. Like that you can keep your house clean. So if you do it like this way you have time to have your underarmes shaved ( i hate when it's not so nasty ), you hair fixed, your face clean and little make up on ( Girls if you don't know you have a lot of makeup tutorial on you tube ), wear a sexy look like skirt, leggings, cute top, cute flip flop, and Please girls get your toes done. Of course sometimes in lady life we have the " body works disease " we don't feel pretty, we sad for nothing, we cry for nothing but your man supposed to found the good words to help you. I swear girls your man ( even if he love you no matter how you look) gonna appreciate all the work you do to stay pretty. Yes man!!!!!! It is a job to stay pretty, nails done, toes done, match outfit-shoes-handbags, hair done, shaved, body lotion, make up, all of that for a real woman he take times to be on top of our beauty. Sometimes in your life ( like myself actually : work and sleep ) you don't feel like stay in the bathroom for two hours and a half and plus be pretty when your man is deployed well pffff don't need it just because i am pretty ( of course for me) but for one person and it's my king.
Your man will feel good and appreciate it. He weel feel so important and will see that even if you stay home you want to be on top for him.

lundi 22 août 2011

Real Love Know Doubt

How shoud I start this blogg, Well I am  a really luck guy I should say. I have a great woman, bestfriend, lover, bundled all in one. My future wife, Joelle. I never had a woman so driven and committed to making me happy. Joelle I want you to know you do such a great Job caring for me, being there for me. I see what you do every day. I feel the love you give me even though we are miles apart. I see the sacrafies you make with your time and hard work. I see you work double shifts so you can help save money for our furture. I see you bought a iphone so you can skpy more with me and let me see you. I see the messages you send me everyday. I see the blogg you made for us to share our story. I see the struggle you have with your family but you still stay strong for us.You do so much baby. We have some people that think we won't make it. We will prove them all wrong. Baby Yes I have deployment blues at time. It comes with this line off work. Don't ever think Im upset with you. If I snap on you at times its because Im stressed, not at you just all we have to do and the fact that I do miss my pumpkin. Joelle I will be home soon. I will hold you through the night. I will protect you. I will take care of you. You will FOREVER BE SAFE IN MY ARMES LOVE. My armes will be your place of peace, my armes will be your place of comfort. It will be your place of strengh. You will come home each night and rest in my armes. Your shield from anger, haters, drama. Your home baby. It will be soon. I will come home from work and smell the good food you are cooking. Come give you a kiss and ask how your day was. I will notice the clean house and you looking so pretty with your new makeup you bought. That day will be a reality soon. I love you Joelle.

A letter to the love of my life,

Since we are together you completly change my life. You are my sun. I never thought that daddy will send you to me so fast. I do believe that dad and god send you to me. Before we met, my life was just sad, black, no joy, no happiness. It was just me with my pain and nothing else. When you came into my life i realize that you was the one i was waiting for so long, you was the one i wanted to be with. I am proud that you choose me as a fiance almost wife, i am proud to be the one who make you realized that love do exist. I remember when you ask me if i will be able to be with you and "the army". I just say yes even if i didn't really know what to expect. You talk to me, explain to me, i got interest into the army, found a lot of answers and because of my love for you i never been scared about the army life. I never thought that this deployment will be that hard. Never thought that we will have to be front of differents emotions. Sad to happy, Scared to Relax, Stress to Funny, Mad to Cool. I just want to support you and i don't even care about me just you. I want to be perfect for you. I want you to be proud of me. I want to be the sunshine of your life.
I can't wait to wake up into your arms, you holding me. I can not wait to be with you for ever and ever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and with nobody else. Like i always told you this deployment it's our test and we will make it baby. Don't try to rush anything. Everything happen for a reason and come on time. Just take the couple of month to live your last months as a single man!!!!Just take this time to do our life plan ( because im not gonna do it baby!!! you know that it is not my job ).
I love you, you are my life baby. Even if sometimes you hurting me i still love you even more. Yes i am scared of bad news, i am scared of if you eat, of if you sick or something but i do trust that the army take of you and i do believe that you are the best and gonna do a great career. I believe in you.
I love you for ever and i will never leave you. You will be home soon and jsut be ready for me to jump into your arms.
Love you

Look at this king!!!! This boy make LOL so bad

My life as a military fiance almost wife

So i just want to talk about my life as a military fiance today. My baby didn't feel good today as he call that : deployment blues. I understand him perfectly but it is hard for me when i know that he is sad and unhappy. He is my world and sometimes when you are alone in this situation don't have any military wives or girlfriend or fiance to talk to and to give you some advices to help to understand his feelings, give you some advices of how you can support him it's pretty hard for me. In the same way i feel like i can handle it by myself be strong and help him to feel better. I know that sometimes it's my turn to be sad, to cry, to be unhappy, to be all stressed out and put that on him but since we are together i knew and i understood his life as a soldier so i take my responsability in this situation. As you all know my king is actually deployed in Afghanistan and i do everything i can for him to be happy and support him in the best way. So yes we have a blog, a daily motion channel but soon a youtube one ( a way better), got yahoo messenger on my blackberry and an iphone4 where i put the skype application and the yahoo application. I send him mails to but he do take long from europe like 3 to 4 weeks. My life actually just put between two inverted commas and just dedicated my all life to him. I am just interested to him and wait for him to be home. I go to work, can not wait to be at my lunch time to talk to him, to get off and run home to get online and see him, make sure that he is ok. Living deployment for the first time it's like killing me but i learn so much. Learn about me, people, life.....
I can not wait for us to be married soon, to be his wife, and start our family life together. I can not wait to be at the airport and jump into his arms and smell him. I just need to smell him, to feel his skin. I can not wait to look at him in his eyes and just tell him how much i love him. He is my all world, my life and even if it is hard to be alone here and to be far from him I love him with all I've got.

vendredi 19 août 2011

Doing good but......

I just got promoted in my job and today was my first day as a floor manager indoor conceptor. I am so proud of me. I love my job. Just decorate the store , put everything in harmony, do the windows, be the manager of fifteen salers, organize schedule, and more and more and more. I work hard to have this job and now i have it. But to be honest well i thought that i will be happy but finally i feel just " OK ". I just want to be with my king. I do love my job but it is not what i want anymore. When daddy past away i put myself into my carreer just to forget my pain. I realize now that it is not what i want. I want to be with my king and take care of our family. Before i met my king i was so into my career being single, just think about my parents don't even think about me. Today that i am engaged i just want us to be together and thats all. Today i can say that my career is to be his wife. He is my world and i just want to give my entire life to him. My life it's just him. I do worry about him so much but my love will be home soon. So yes i probably doing good but i miss something in my life and it's my king. I love you baby with all my heart and We will be together soon. Be strong for me cause if you fail i fail to, if you cry i cry to but if  you smile 1,2,3 i smile to.
Love you king.

Ok Pumpkin, Got to answer these tags

Let's do a little tag baby:

1) What do i like to eat at work most of the time?  Salad     
2) Where my parents from?Can't remember the name of the island baby.
3) Between NFL, Kickboxing and Baseball which sport do i like the most?  Baby you like the NFL
4) What kind of shoes that we have in comment?  We both have Converse All Stars
5) Which bag that we have in comment? We both have a Panda Bag
6) One food that i really do not like? You dont like spincha
7) What do i like to do most at home? You like to chill and chat with me
8) Something that i really do not like to do?Be without me
9) Something that i have all over the bathroom?
10) Something that i want to buy when you get home?
11) Who is my bestfriend? Darnell Carter your truly
12) Which tv channel do i like to watch?
13) A word that i always say and make you laugh?
14) Something that i like to buy? Make up
15) What kind of shoes i do like to wear when i don't work?
16) Something that i stop doing for you? Smoking
17) What was your first french words that i teach you?Mon Amour
18) Something that we do not care about? Haters
19) Something that we start to organize soon? Wedding
20) something that we always say to each other? I love you
Well baby I answer most of them. We have to go over the ones I didnt get. I love you and will talk to you very soon.

jeudi 18 août 2011

Housewife or not???

I read a lot of stuff about being an housewife when you are with a soldier. Some say that it is good some say that it is not. Well let me talk about it. When me and my baby start our relationship my king was saying that he want his wife to have a job even a little job to have some pocket money. I was thinking the same and wasn't afraid to found a job everywhere the army send us. But now i feel like I just want to be home and take care of our home, him and us. I think that being a housewife it's a job to. You have to take care of the house, everything in order, laundry done, cook, take care of your husband, support him when he do have a bad day at work, make sure that the house is clean. It is not something that you have to do if you are not like that. Be an housewife have to be natural for you.I personnaly think that my life just with my king and i have to take care of him and support him in his career because i just want him to be the best. We both don't like to be the last. We both want to be on top. Ok i agree i will put my career behind. I maybe an housewife or maybe one day a mom. I always work since i am 16 even if i don't need to. My dad and mom always teach me to work hard when you want something. I can work everywhere in a world cause of my diploma but i can say that see my king happy, smile, tell me that the dinner was delicious, be proud of me when we have some friend over and see his friends loving the dinner and appreciate the time it's a way better that any pay check. Ok money it's important i really agree with that but it really depends on how your spend your money. Don't spend the money that you don't have. Organize your life with what you got.
We do love shopping, be beautyfull, nice clothes and shoes, accessories, electronics, beautyfull furnitures, travelling but we will never spend our money before the bills are paid. It's just about the way you live. Be an housewife don't mean that you are lazy. Be an housewife don't mean that you stay in a couch all day. Be an housewife it is a job. A real one. From home you can found a job to do. Invitation for weddings, do some decoration for people who get married, if you are into make up well offer your services for the bride and her friends or also for some kids who got their birthday party, offer your services if you speak any languages, If you are into nails well offer your services. You will always found something to do for some pocket money and also to socialize. Just few days a week. It will always be good. Take the time to read. Read it's a brain language. Be an housewife give you the opportunity to learn, to be the best, to put yourself into something, to take challenges, to try new things. Be an housewife it's not being in your house all day and when you are finish with all you have to do sit in a couch and wait until he get home. Be pretty for him, talk to him about your day because you have one to.
I probably gonna be an housewife, but i will do some stuff that i always want to do and never had the time to do it. I always want to put myself into decoration, writing, blog, work out, photograph and do a pictures exhibition ( do not know the good traduction in english sorry followers) so why not ?

Confession of the Carter

There is a time in your life when you have to take chances. Even though the future may look bleak, are it just seems like you just won't get what your heart desire. I once thought I would never be in a committed relationship. The type of relationship I dreamed of having. I'm a person that has alot of needs. Im a very proud person. I can be stubborn at times. I'm picky.I know what I want. I never had a problem meeting woman. I did woman wrong in my past. I felt I needed more then one to quench me ego. I love attention. I never thought i would meet a woman that would please me, love me and care for me The way I needed. But something happened. I came across a beautiful woman name Joh Jo. She was different from any woman I ever been with in my life. She showed such a strong interest in me that it blew me away. She said all the right things. I never had to ask her for anything its like she was tailored made for me. I love her and never loved a woman like this. I know she was sent from God. I know her father who passed away recently sent her to me.Its just something that you know that you know that you know. I want to be so true to her.I'm inspired to be the best man I can be for her. She shows me love everyday. I swear no other woman has ever came close to her in the aspect of how she treats me. I even cleaned up my face book page. All pics with females are long gone. I want her to know I'm with her and nobody else. She is my future wife. She is my best friend. She is my pumpkin. I LOVE YOU  baby. I will all ways be there for you. I won't let you down. I'm proud to be your man. I'm proud to love you. You are a dream, but I'm awake. I thank God for you Joelle and Darnell Forever.

mercredi 17 août 2011

First Deployment!!!!!!

I just realized that baby will be home in 165 days so 23 weeks and 5 days. When i see that 23 weeks im like waoowwwww i have to move my behind because baby will be home soon and i need to make sure that everything OK.
We have a lot of plans and i have to take care of it cause my baby really don't need that actually. Head free. Well i think that we doing good for our first deployment and everyday i feel better about it because of course i know that he will be home soon.
So organisation, organisation. Have to take care of some paper work, have to start looking on our trip ( just looking for the moment ), have some stuff to buy for my baby and make sure that when he come back everything in order.
I love to see a smile on his face when he see me at the webcam but i also hate when we online and he is tired. He don't talk. So i am little bit selfish and think like : What about me???? I need to see you feeling good to. But after all i do understand thats sometimes it is not easy for him.
So baby don't worry everything will be in order when you get home. Just be safe, pray, love me more everyday ( look queenie selfish again), and come home.
I love you

mardi 16 août 2011

Dear daddy!!!

I miss you so much daddy. It is so hard to be without you? I miss our moments, our talk, our shopping time, our dinner and all the moments that we use to share. I remember the last week that we spend together. You knew that god was about to call you and you talk to me and tell me your last wishes. You was wondering so much about me being alone and you told me that you will send someone who will love me so much just like you. So yes i did receive the one that you send me. I know daddy that from the heaven you are proud of him and got his back. I will never forget the day where you take your last power to walk and go outside. I was so proud of you this day daddy. When we sit in the garden you look at the sky, you took my hands and say :" I want you to be strong CHAMPION! You are the best ! Be a good wife to the one i will send you! Keep going to church! and Keep being the best daughter.!!" well i do my best daddy and i am strong. Like you always call me : CHAMPION. You always told me that no one is good for me and the only one who will be good will be the one that you choose. I use to say that we was not in some countries, that i can decide by myself. We use to have some big argue cause of that. Now i can see what you was talking about. I will always remember our last father day together. It was hard for you to talk but you take your last power and tell me hundred times that you loved me. I love you daddy so much. Well dad i am sure that you see everything is going on down here and i know that you keep an eye on your son. He is strong and i am so proud of him. All the time he wish that he had the time to see you even once. We are getting married next year daddy and i know that you will send us some sign and we will know that you are here with us that day. I Remember when i was maybe 15 and i have my first little date at the mall. You ask this little guy so many questions that he finally say that he have to go home early. I was so mad at you. We was always talking about that day and laugh until belly hurts. When we was palying soccer on the beach and we was cheating to win. We was bad daddy but we had so much fun.
You are the best daddy ever. Without you it is so hard. Nobody do my cup of tea in the afternoon, nobody is here if i am sick and hold me, nobody take a glass of wine and talk all night. But soon your son will be home he will do it for you. I can not stop thinking about the last day i talk to you i wish i understand what you told me but i didn't. I wish i took your pain. Your last 4 hours was terrible for you and i try to help you the best that i can. When you finally close your eyes it was hard for me daddy. Daddy i wish that you can come back to me. I miss you so much.I love you so much.
It is hard for me. Mom at home, your son deployed. I am alone. But i will never give up daddy cause you always call me: CHAMPION.



Hey whats up. Just want to let all the females out there to know one thing. I am sooooo happy to be with my woman. She is the best woman I ever been with by far! I hope one day you all will able to experience this type of joy. She does so much for me. She really do treat me like a king. Why am I telling you all this. I have woman sending my fiance mean messages. Why Cause you all are insecure with yourself jealous and just wrong. Woman in my past, let it go. You all are really trying to stop something special. Its not working, don't waste your time. You all give me the fuel to do better, be a better man love even harder. Its not going to stop. It will never stop. So tuck in that attitude you have and go somewhere. Like go that way are something. Go shopping, go to a museum. I don't know just stay out of me and and woman's life. I love her with all my heart. I'm 34 been with my share of woman. It time for me to settle and God sent me the perfect woman. Jo Joh Carter. Hey baby, its us against the world I guess. If you don't have anything good to say don't say nothing. I love her for ever. IT WONT STOP AND NEVER WILL I LOVE YOU JO JOH. So you haters want me to watch my mouth how? Take my eyeballs out and turn them around lol Oh well baby Don't worry about them woman. They are just some very sad cases.

lundi 15 août 2011

Happiness vs Sadness

Even if i do not care about the haters, i am worry about why so much people around us so mean? I do not care about what they think but words do hurt even if you are strong. Do people have to call me a B***** just because i am in love with an american? Because for them that's the problem. For them you are just looking for a free ticket, for a visa. Why people don't understand that if you are in love he really don't matter where you from? I was sad to read some messages that i have got on my facebook mailbox. People call me all kinds of names, people just injure me and say that they wish that my baby open his eyes but no one of this people got the " balls" to send him a message except one. But after all this words i love my king so much even more. I am the type of woman who listening about what my husband say. He is the one who wearing the pants, he is the one who decide what is good for us or not and i just have to follow him. It is natural for me to be this way because that's the way my dad and mom use to be together. My mom was down to earth for him and always do her best for him to be happy in any circonstances. This is the love story that i always want and today i have it with my baby. He do not care about the haters and i don't know if he realize how much some of them hurting me. I am strong for him and do not want to show him that i am sad. I do my best for him to be strong and to support him. I am not gonna let anybody hurt him or come into our relationship. Yes i am gonna be his wife soon no matter what people think but if i have to take a visa by my own to show people that im not marry him for that well i will do it.
I am happy to be his queen, to be his bestfriend. I am happy to see him strong for him, for me, for us. I will never leave him no matter what can happen in life. It is not about where we live it's about just being together. I am not waiting on any kind of material things i have every materials things i need and if i want something i just go to the stoers and pay for it. I from a good family ( just say that because people want to know and ask me if i have got any education, if i am a ghetto girl ) so i do have education got a bachelor degrees in communication, international sales system and french and i have been in a famous fashion art school in Paris also got a diploma as a nails designer and would love to have a make up artist diploma. My mom use to be a nurse and my dad a gynecologist. I am not a ghetto girl who don't know how to talk properly, who do not care about others. The only think that is important to me it's : my mom, my king, and my mother in law. I do not care about the rest. I know that some peoples reading our blog and do send me some dirty and nasty messages right away but like my baby say :" You are with me baby so don't care about what people say i will take care of it !!!! ". Yes it is his job to protect me from the ones who want to hurt me and he is doing good.
Baby i love you with all my heart and i will never ever leave you for any reason. You are the best ever happen to me. I love you

Can not wait for you to be home!!!!!

dimanche 14 août 2011

Just the way it is!!!!

Fiancé TAG

Let's do a little tag baby:

1) What do i like to eat at work most of the time?
2) Where my parents from?
3) Between NFL, Kickboxing and Baseball which sport do i like the most?
4) What kind of shoes that we have in comment?
5) Which bag that we have in comment?
6) One food that i really do not like?
7) What do i like to do most at home?
8) Something that i really do not like to do?
9) Something that i have all over the bathroom?
10) Something that i want to buy when you get home?
11) Who is my bestfriend?
12) Which tv channel do i like to watch?
13) A word that i always say and make you laught?
14) Something that i like to buy?
15) What kind of shoes i do like to wear when i don't work?
16) Something that i stop doing for you?
17) What was your first french words that i teach you?
18) Something that we do not care about?
19) Something that we start to organize soon?
20) something that we always say to each other?

I just.....

My baby will be home in some months but i just cant stop crying today. I talk to him right after i wake up this morning, saw him on the web cam and also talk to him and i do keep my tears for me. I really feel that without him i am totally lost. Really feel that without him i am nothing. But i have my head up and i am so proud to be his future wife. I am so proud to be the one that he choose to be in his life. Nobody can stop us to love each other and i know that he will protect me from the others. After we stop cam, i just cry and cry until i sleep. When i wake up i just realize that i cry but i am still alone at home so finally why all those tears for? Why do i cry when i know that my king not gonna come home tomorrow? so i decided to stop crying and be strong not just for my king but also for me. Because i know that it is not gonna be his only one deployment. I knew at the beginning that be an armywife ( almost ) isn't easy at all ( my baby told me everything i need to know when we start our relationship because he want to make sure that i could handle it !!! ) like my baby say it's ok to cry but i decide to stand up and be strong. I decided to support him and make him happy everyday of his life. I can not stop saying that my baby is my dude, my bestfriend, my love, my king, my body, my entire life, my soulmate. I just can't stop saying how much i love him. And i will never stop because it is important to say i love you to the one you love.
I never gonna forget the first time that you told me : "I love you" i will remember this day for ever. I am proud of you, you are the best "futur" hubby ever. I do not need anything else but I just can say something pandabear : I love You!!!!!

Joelle and Darnell (I told you so)

Hey well this is my first blog. My baby been pretty good at adding her thoughts and feeling on this. She is my soul mate. Its just something that you just know. Yes we are so far from each other, but our love lives in our hearts. It took me 34 years to find the right woman for me. I started to think she did not exist. But i been blessed to have Jo Joh in my life. I'm ready to be the best man I can be. She supports me, love me, cant ask for anything else in a woman. So Join us on are journey. I want others to see that when you truly love someone you will make it regardless of anything people may throw your way. That's my baby, she has swagger, that's my pumpkin, she has the spice. That's my heart she has my love. And yeah the title says I told you so. Cause I'm telling you all out there America, she is going to be my wife, and we will make this into a reality, then I'm going to be like to all that dont believe I told you sooooooo.

samedi 13 août 2011


Today i saw my baby on the cam and i also talk to him. i didn't see him for like ten days and it was an eternity. I was so happy to see him.....
I try to keep my tears but finally i do cry. I use to promess to myself to not crying front of him but it was to much for me. I feel so alone without him so lonely but in a same time i have so many things to take care off that i got my mind full of things. So many things to do. I really have to do this to be with my baby and start our life together. I know that we will be ok. I know that we gonna build a beautyfull family. A house full of love and it don't matter if some peoples around us don't want us to be together because we are together no matter what they say.
So let me take a shower, go to bed and have some beautyfull dreams.
Baby i love you amour, you are my life.
Your pumpkin.

vendredi 12 août 2011

So in love !!!!

I am so in love with my baby. He is so wonderfull. I can't wait for him to be home. All i have to do is be  supportive to him. But sometimes it is so hard for me when i am alone at home and waiting. Sometimes yes i do cry just because i am full inside and then i feel a lot better.
He is my entire world. Before my dad passed away he told me that he will send me someone, a real one, and somebody who will love me just like him, even more. And guess what??? Here is Darnell coming into my life. Sun start shining again, no more tears, no more pain. He bring me back to life. He is the one who understand me, who listen to me when i feel sad, who is here for me. He is the one who always say that i am the best. I knew since we are together that be with a soldier it is not easy at all but i love him so much that finally i almost forget myself because the only thing that i think of it's him.
I can not wait to go get him at the airport and jump into his arms. Cook a nice diner, a Hot bath with a glass of wine and let him chill. He is my bestfriend the one i can talk to about anything, he is my dude, he is the best fiancé always make me smile even if i am sad.
So yes i am totally in love with my baby. He is my everything. Thank you to be here, to be mine. I love you with all my heart.
Thank you to my dad who send me the most wonderfull man in this world. I will always love you daddy. I miss you so much. I wish you to be here to see how much we love each other, to see how much i am happy. Thank you to my baby to be here for me.
To the only men in my life Daddy and Darnell : I love you.

jeudi 11 août 2011

Happy birthday

At this time it's your birthday baby. I wish you an happy birthday. We will have a birthday bash when you come back. Never forget how much i love you . I will be strong for us I promess.

May god bless you, Be home safe. I love you with all my heart.


Why people are so......????

Why people are so mean???? I really do not care about what people say but now i got enought. Me and Darnell are together because we love each other that's it. Lot of people think that i am with him just to get a visa to the United States. So first of all let me talk about be an Europpean in the United States : I use to live in the United States and i can say that's it is not easy at all to live in this country. My baby actually based in Germany and his deployment stop around July 2012. Of course it will be easy for me if we stay in Europe but my life is with my baby and i will follow him even if the army send him to Venus.

Second : Why people think that if i am with him it's absolutly because i need something? Why it is not possible to be in love with somebody from another country? why people judge others? Stop thinking that your country is a big Eldorado cause it is not.I like, love my country and i will stay with my baby no matter what people say about him, about us.

mercredi 10 août 2011

Darnell and Joelle

I create this blog to support my wonderfull fiancé. He is my bestfriend, my hubby, my king, my everything. He is serving is country actually been deployed in Afghanistan for the last 6 months and still have 6 more months to go.
Even if we have two different culture, we understand each other perfectly. Lot of peoples don't believe in our story but we do not care about the haters. All we care about it's us and yes we are kind of selfish. Of course it is not easy everyday to wait but i have to be strong for him, for our love. Sometimes i want to touch him, smell him, just look at him when he sleep but he will be home soon.

So now let me introduce my love "Darnell" :

I love him so much. He is the best thing ever happen to me. I love you Amour with all i've got.